Project Quickshell-W
Quickshell-W is the wireless iteration of my Quickshell platform and hence contains mostly the same hardware. The big difference is the ESP-12F module on the back of the PCB and the lack of the DIP switches.
The board still contains a 32u4 however, instead of that chip being connected to a MicroSD card slot and DIP switches, it's connected directly to the ESP-12F module. This allows the device to create its own wireless network and host the configuration info, settings and live script injection without effecting the main machine. The user can then enter scripts and change settings on the device remotely (within range of the device).
The firmware of this device has sadly been lost due to a computer reformat a while ago. I assume people may be able to whip something up however am no longer looking to continue to work on this project so the source files for the hardware will be below.
Quickshell-W, and most other devices like it, work by imitating a HID (Human Interface Device) Keyboard. This allows the device to slide right past the security measures of you system as computers inherently trust HID devices. As soon as this device is plugged in, the 5v USBV+ rail is converted to 3.3v using the MIC5219-3.3YM5-TR low dropout (LDO) voltage regulator. The 32u4 is then supplied the 3v3 level and starts to boot and run the firmware.
Below is the download links for the GERBER and the parts list. The firmware that is linked is for uploading directly to the 32u4, however, you can also find the firmware dump for something like a BadUSB or MalDuino online that will work with little modification on Quickshell.
Please note: You are free to download, print and use for yourself but I offer no warranty for the device or firmware and I am not responsible for anything that you do with this device.